What We Can Help With

Back Pain

If you’ve ever seen a doctor for back pain, you’re not alone. An estimated 85% of people experience back pain severe enough to see a doctor for at some point in their life. Chiropractic treatment is a safe and effective treatment for both acute or chronic sore back. It can work incredibly quickly and a growing body of research shows that ongoing treatment with chiropractic adjustments can help prevent future back pain.


Spinal manipulation or a chiropractic adjustment helps restore mobility to joints restricted by injured tissue, whether that is a result from a traumatic event like a fall or repetitive stress, lifting injuries, arthritis, sports, or such as sitting with poor back support (poor posture).  


Neck Pain

Neck pain is a common complaint of many, poor posture, desk jobs, modern technology that allows your head to lean forward, poor sleeping position on your pillow, whiplash, car injuries, spinal degeneration. Reducing the accumulated stresses that build up in your neck through chiropractic care can be beneficial toward reducing pain in your neck.  


Poor Posture

Nothing has a greater impact on your spine than the way you sit, stand and sleep.  Prolonged sitting on a desk, particularly with school aged children or office bound workers have an extremely high likelihood of experiencing neck and postural related problems.

Our near total reliance on computers and mobile phones combined with prolonged hours behind a desk are the ultimate culprits. Just take a second to think what this is doing to your spine. With a forward head tilt, the ligaments at the back of your neck are under constant strain. The ligaments are strained, the muscles stretched and more than likely, the nerves which exit from beneath the skull and between every bone in your neck can be compromised. Same goes for your low back.

Chiropractic care is an effective way to manage and help to correct posture. 


Migraines and Headaches

There are different types of headaches you can experience. Tension, cervicogenic, cluster, and migraines. Tension headaches are the most common type of headache. Stress and muscle tension are contributing factors in these headaches. ​Evidence suggests that chiropractic care, including spinal manipulation, improves migraine and cervicogenic headaches. There is a wealth of research to suggest that not only does chiropractic ease the frequency of getting a tension headache or migraine – it actually can help ease the symptoms when you’re under attack.



Sciatica refers to leg pain, numbness AND/OR weakness that travels down the leg following the path of the sciatic nerve (down the buttocks and can travel into the legs and feet). Sciatica can be caused by misaligned vertebrae, pregnancy, herniated or bulging vertebral discs, Childbirth,  slips and falls; arthritis, and can even be caused for sitting too long. Chiropractic care can help relieve your symptoms by checking and adjusting the spine, as well as home recommendations. 



Congratulations! Pregnancy is an exciting time full of amazing changes and experienced, but it naturally introduces some extra stress on your spine and nerve system. As the changes occur it is important to maintain healthy spine and nerve system function to ensure comfort and healthy development of both mother and baby. In our clinic we use a range of Chiropractic techniques to best suit and accommodate you and your little one. 


Overall wellness

For over 100 years patients have been seeking chiropractic care, not only as effective relief for back and neck problems, but for improved function in all areas of their life- physically, mentally and emotionally. Chiropractic keeps your spine and nervous system functioning like it was designed to, take for instance servicing your car. You don’t wait until the oil light comes on to get it fixed, our chiropractic approach is exactly the same. With regular care and maintenance, you can go a long way to extending your family, sporting and general life.



Frequently Asked Questions


What are the benefits of chiropractic care?

Just like getting your car checked at the mechanics for wheel alignments and balancing are essential for your car and overall ride, so is chiropractic care. By essentially freeing up the tension and realigning your body, you can release the tight tension and nerve interference, getting your body back into balance.

What is the clicking noise?

During an adjustment, you will feel pressure being applied to certain areas of your spine, when doing so, gas is released from the joint causing the “pop/clicking” sound.

Will I be sore after my adjustment?

Adjustments are generally pain free and comfortable however depending on how misaligned and inflamed your spine is, it may cause some mild discomfort as tension is released. This discomfort generally clears up in no time leaving you feeling great.

How long and how many visits will it take until I’m feeling better?

Every patient we see is different and unique, it essentially depends upon your health goals. The initial period of care can take weeks and is quite intensive. We want to stabilise your spine and get you on the right track as soon as possible. However, this is highly dependent on how long you have been this way and your current state of health. After experiencing various benefits of Chiropractic Care, most people choose to be on wellness care/maintenance care plan, being regularly checked and adjusted for optimal health.

How do you adjust paediatric patients?

We use very little force. We use a tool called an “activator” which will stimulate their little spine and nervous systems, clearing them of nerve interference. Our goal is to bring balance to the nervous system and the functioning of joints — no matter how young or old you are.